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D J Owen - [Erotic Greeks 05] Read online

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  Jason awoke to a pounding in his head and it took him a moment to realise that pounding was coming from his door. Groggily he half fell out of bed and throwing on a robe opened the door to Vesilis. Barging his way past Vesilis entered the room like a whirlwind. “I come bearing wine my friend” he announced jovially in an overly loud voice. “Come in” muttered Jason and then closing the door he wandered over to the water basin to try and awaken himself. Feeling only slightly more alive he turned to see his friend perched precariously on the bed holding a jug of wine and two cups. “Surely it is too early for drinking” Jason uttered. “Nonsense, it is never too early for wine when you are a poet. Now tell me did the sacrifice work? Are you not inspired like the great Trekalise of Thrace?”

  Jason sat next to his friend “No I am not inspired, I am exhausted.” Holding his head in his hands he moaned “why did I ever listen to you and go and sacrifice to the muses? Curse my stupidity”. A cup was pushed into his hands and he drank it without thinking whilst his friend replied “what is the matter my friend. Did the muse you choose to sacrifice to not answer? Well these things happen, it is not the end and you still have six days to come up with something”. Jason turned his head very slowly towards his friend. “Muse? Did my chosen muse not answer? No my friend it is worse than that. I sacrificed to three of them and all three answered. I have to choose one in two day’s time and whoever I chose the other two of them will be out for my blood”.

  Vesilis looked at Jason with a horrified expression on his face. “Why did you sacrifice to three of them? I said choose one not three. Did the priest not warn you?” “No the son of whore did not warn me. I had three of them turn up here last night”. Vesilis refilled Jason’s cup and clapped him on the shoulder “so you didn’t get much sleep because you were worrying. Well if I was you I would spend today in bed and catch up with your sleep. Everything will look better after that”. “Not quite” Jason said sheepishly. At the confused look on his friends face Jason

  went on to relate what had happened last night with Thalia and as the story went on the grin on Vesilis face increased until at the end he was laughing.

  Slapping his leg Vesilis chortled, “Well that is your choice made for you then. I’ve heard you speak to the ladies. Just use your pretty tongue, say some platitudes about how you’re not worthy of them and chose Thalia for your muse. Trust me my friend you do not want to turn down a woman you just slept with and certainly not if she is part goddess”. Vesilis stood up, “So are you coming to the school today or shall I tell them you are otherwise indisposed?” Jason looked up and admonished his friend. “School, I cannot think of school at a moment like this? I have to try and come up with some reason not to choose two muses that won’t see me killed or turned into a tree”.

  Stopping at the door on his way out Vesilis turned to his friend “Seriously my friend it will be ok. You’re a poet and this sort of thing happens to poets all the time. Makes me wish I had become one instead of a playwright”. As he closed the door Jason thought to himself maybe I am making too much out of this. Surely if three turned up at once they will understand I can only choose one of them? To try for two or three would be greedy and Jason thought the muses were not the type to share.

  All day he spent in his room going over in his mind what he could do and by the time night came he was feeling quite exhausted. As the darkness over took the day Jason rolled into bed and let the darkness behind his eyes claim him. Soon enough he was asleep and his dreams filled with visions of buxom young woman all chasing him through the night. Some of them even had smiles on their faces. It wasn’t until he felt a finger on his lips that he jerked out of sleep and without thinking said “Thalia?”

  “Thalia, that bitch has already been to you has she?” Jason looked into the face of Clio and rapidly found himself wishing he was dead. “tell me the truth mortal” she said as she stood over him in her white robe, dark hair hanging around her in waterfalls, dark eyes boring into his “Has my sister been to see you?” “Y Y yes my lady” Jason stammered out his heart beating a tune in his chest that she must surely hear. “And did she attempt to bribe you, possibly with her body?” Jason just nodded sure that he was going to see himself turned into a pig or some other creature doomed to be slaughtered.

  “Hmmm” clio said to herself “this leaves me with a quandary. On the one hand for Thalia to sleep with you must mean she really wants you for her own. On the other hand I also want you for my own and I do like messing with my little sister”. Bending down so her face was mere inches from his she continued in a voice like silk “And trust me poet. I know tricks that my sister doesn’t. She may have made you groan but I will make you scream”.

  Pulling her robe off over her head Jason saw that she was indeed slimmer than Thalia and with smaller breasts. Her limbs were longer and between her legs were Thalia had a sweet garden of golden hair Clio was as bare as barren rock. She stretched out towards the ceiling and he couldn’t take his eyes of her body as every muscle was shown against the shadowy nighttimes’ background. Turning away she asked “do you like what you see poet?” as she bent down showing the valley between her legs and her sculpted buttocks to him. Turning back she walked towards him and pulling the sheet away and saw that he was already hard “Yes, you do like what you see don’t you”. Throwing one leg over him she mounted him, trapping his hard cock between them.

  Jason lay stunned as the muse on top of him leant forward and grabbed his hands. Pulling them up to her she placed them on her small breasts, the nipples already poking into his palms and then she started to move. Slowly gyrating she manipulated his cock against her bald cunt as

  he slowly and surely massaged the breasts under his hands. He felt heat and wetness slowly creep over his cock and he smelt her arousal. She grabbed his wrists with her own and quickly fell forward, his hands above his head and her weight on him keeping them there. Still gyrating she fell on his mouth with her own, pushing her tongue into his mouth in a furious way.

  Jason started to move his own hips and Clio broke from her kiss “No. Do not move unless I tell you to” she said in a stern voice and Jason was too stunned at this sudden turn to argue. Clio moved her hands away from his and he kept his own above his head unsure if it was safe to move them. Clio rewarded him by stroking his cheek “good my sweet. Do as I say and I will reward you and I promise you will remember this night for the rest of your life”. Swallowing on a dry throat Jason just nodded and Clio noticing said “dry throat? Well I have something that is nice and wet. Do you want to taste it and slake your thirst my sweet?”

  Jason nodded uncertainly and Clio started to inch forward slowly so he could anticipate her body as it passed over the top of him. Soon he found himself starting at that wet slit and lowering herself she presented it to him, knees either side of his head and one hand holding her wet and sticky lips open so he could get to everything. “Lick me my sweet poet. Show me how pleased you are I came to visit you”. Jason let his tongue touch the quivering red flesh in front of him and was rewarded with a sharp intake of breath and the unique taste that all woman had.

  He moved one arm up and used his hand to caress her thigh but the arm was quickly pushed back down and so he let his tongue speak for him. Lapping at her inner folds and small upraised button he felt her shift slightly found his face covered by her cunt. Slipping his tongue down the entire fold he found himself able to slide it up into the hole that he had spent so much time in last night much to the delight of her sister. Slipping it around he hardened his tongue and pushed it in and out fast before using it on her other intimate areas. Soon she was writhing around on top of him that made breathing quite difficult but he persevered and soon he found himself with a hand on his head, steadying and directing him as his tongue lapped away. A gasp and then a shudder ran through her entire body. Falling of him she rolled onto her back and Jason taking the chance moved his very dead arm down from above his body.

  “That was very good” Clio said between br
eathes. “You are a very talented poet indeed. I will even forgive you for moving when I didn’t say you could”. “I am sorry lady but my arms were sore and I feel I may need them to please you later” Jason said in his most placating voice. “Hmm possibly, now why don’t you stay nice and still and let me give you a small reward for being so good with that tongue”.

  Clio rolled back on top of him but this time she moved downwards, her nails scratching over his chest as she went. Down she went, her lips kissing his flesh, nails raking over his body raising welts and Jason felt her hair swirl around his lower body, caressing it like some unearthly creature. Strangely it aroused him and he found himself stiffen and he presented the muse with his cock, hard and aching to be touched. Pulling her hair to one side so he could see what she was doing she murmured “I had forgotten how good youth can be” and without warning took it into her mouth. Jason gasped and felt his hardness surrounded by wet and heat but totally unlike any woman he had been with before.

  Slowly Clio took about half of his member into her mouth and just as slowly pulled away until he was nearly out of her mouth. Sticking her tongue out she let it cup the shaft of his cock as she proceeded to swallow him again and without control his hips moved. Instantly she pulled back and taking his cock out of her mouth she looked at him harshly “If you move again I stop, do you understand?” Jason nodded and Clio let her head fall as she started to consume his flesh again. Jason gripped the sheet of his bed as Clio, lying in between his legs, her head over his

  cock, swallowed him again and again. Her tongue lapping at his shaft as her mouth devoured him. He hadn’t felt anything like it and not being able to move or touch her was driving him crazy. He lay back and looked at the ceiling trying to stave off the explosion that he knew wouldn’t be too much longer in coming.

  He felt himself being released into the air and then “Look at me”. Jason moved his head to look at the muse pleasuring him and Clio continued “I want you to keep your eyes on me poet. If you break contact so do I”. Moving her long dark hair she lowered her head, her eyes never leaving his as she took him deep in her mouth and then quickly started to move up and down. Jason swallowed as those dark black eyes glittered and he watched as his member, slick with saliva and glistening in moonlight was tongued and swallowed. He tried biting his lip but Clio when she saw that just sped up and so he gave himself over to the feelings assaulting him. He was at the point of no return, he knew and without being to stop it he exploded into her mouth.

  She didn’t stop moving. The first explosion sent a stream of fluid deep into her mouth but she kept moving up and down quickly and he was just too sensitive. Throwing his head back he let out an almighty groan and as he broke eye contact with her she removed her mouth letting his hard cock jet sticky fluid into the air and onto his stomach. Jason closed his eyes and revelled in the pleasure that she had given him and when he came to himself he found Clio sitting cross legged at his feet, watching his face intently her dark eyes staring at him as if deciding what to do with him.

  “So my poet do I not know tricks my sister doesn’t? Am I not the better choice for you?” she asked in a smoky voice that promised more was to come. Nerves still on fire he answered as best he could “You certainly know things your sister doesn’t sweet Clio. Your argument is persuasive though and I will give it much thought before the time to choose arrives”. “Thought” Clio exclaimed in a quiet voice “Have I not given you more than you could ever imagine? Maybe you need some extra persuasion that I am your natural choice”.

  She uncrossed her legs smoothly and slowly and then sat there, legs open and her bare cunt on display. Leaning back she leant on one arm and with the other she let her fingers run around her small nipples, bringing first one and then the second to hardness. “I want you to watch me now” she purred as her hand stroked her hard flat stomach, her fingers reaching downwards. “I want you to know how badly I want you for my own” she gasped as her fingers brushed her wetness and spreading herself she let one finger settle in between those sweet sticky lips.

  Jason watched spellbound as that hand moved in between the muse’s legs. Starting slowly at first she allowed her fingers to explore herself fully, not letting any part of her hide from his gaze. He watched as her red flesh became glistening with moisture and smelt her musk as it started to pervade the room. he felt a twitch and found his cock achingly rising once again as the sight of the muse pleasuring herself in front of him continued. A smile played over Clio’s lips and then she was moving, climbing on top of him on hands and knees. With one hand she grasped him and he groaned at the heat of her hand and then she was placing the tip at the entrance to herself. A small sob of need was all the warning he got as she leant back on to him and enveloped him in hot, tight flesh.

  Keeping his hands down by his side earned him a rare smile from the creature currently impaling herself on him as she rocked backwards and forwards slowly. She was tighter than anyone he had slept with before and he couldn’t help blurting out “won’t I hurt you?” ”You cannot break me” she answered before rising up onto her knees and speeding up her movements. Once again she let her hands wander as he laid there and let her use him for her own pleasure. One hand on her small high tight fleshed breasts and the other shoved down between her legs to

  stimulate herself as she worked. Her forehead beaded with sweat, black hair flying the sight became glorious to him and he couldn’t take his eyes of her.

  He felt his cock slide in and out of her slightly easier as she got into a rhythm and her wetness covered his flesh. Fingers teasing one nipple suddenly pinched hard and pulled, drawing a gasp out of the muse and she felt her muscles start to spasm around his cock. Clio’s other hand sped up and a blush crept up her neck and then with a huge gasp, mouth opened wide, she found her own pleasure. Sitting on top of him, his cock inside he r she shuddered and moments later began to move her hips in small tight circles. “Now it’s your turn my sweet poet” she said looking down on him. “Fill me with your seed”

  Once again Clio was in control as she moved her hips. Muscles he didn’t know existed clamped onto his cock and it was enveloped in what felt like a hot wet glove. As her hips moved so too did her muscles and Jason felt himself loosing himself in her, the feelings, sights and smells of her. He wished he could push her onto her back and i mpale her on his cock, pushing it in harder and faster but given her reactions so far that was going to be a bad idea. As if reading his mind she suddenly stopped and lifted herself off him. Instead balancing on feet she crouched over him and slipping hi m back inside herself she leaned back so he could see himself enter her.

  She gasped and started to move again. The sight of his cock entering her, glistening with her juices sparked in his brain and he felt the beginnings of pleasure rip through him. S ensing his nearness Clio sped up her movements, gasping and moaning at every thrust. Just as he got there she jammed herself down on his meat taking him as far into herself as possible. His spurts were met with muscle movements inside of her and it felt to Jason’s young years like he was dying, so intense were the sensations. Lying on his back he gave little grunts of surprise as she expertly milked his cock of its seed with her cunt. Finally the spasms stopped and he propped himself up on his elbows, his cock still sheathed inside her and wet with her juices and his.

  Clio smiled at him then “Very good poet. You and I will have a very long productive partnership”. Getting up his cock fell out of her, covered with white globes of his own sticky juices and as she lithely jumped off the bed his cock slapped against his belly and stayed there withering. Blowing him a kiss she walked off towards the door, getting more and more insubstantial as she went until finally, just before getting to the door she d isappeared all together. Tiredness came over Jason then and pulling the sheet over his naked body he fell asleep for the second night.

  Once again Jason came round to a thumping sound that filled his head like a drum. Groaning he crawled out of bed and ma de his way to the door, letting a
n exuberant and overly loud Vesilis rush past. “So you look like shit my friend. Don’t tell me your muse visited you again last night” he exclaimed as he perched on chair. Jason scowled at him “No. Last night I had another muse visit me and she was one who was profoundly willing to hurt me if I disobeyed her. I tell you Vesilis tomorrow morning I have to make a decision and I have no idea what to say and they are going to kill me. Oh why did I every listen to you”.

  “My friend you worry too much. Trust me, by the end of this experience you will never have to worry about inspiration again”. Jason gave his friend a very pointed look. “Yes, that’s what I’m afraid of. I feel battered and bruised and afraid for my life!” Vesilis stood up “So I guess I won’t be seeing you at school today then. Very well, but they still want a piece of poetry in less than a week”. Stopping at the door Vesilis turned back to Jason “go take a steam bath, relax. You will see everything will l ook better tomorrow”.

  Jason slammed the door on his guest without answering. A steam bath he thought to himself, yes if nothing else it will ease my aching muscles. So Jason staggered out of his room

  and joined the already busy streets. An hour later found him refreshed and clean, ready but not willing to face the day and its challenges. He spent the day wandering the streets, waiting for inspiration to strike but nothing came. A jug of wine did nothing to help his mood and soon enough darkness fell. As soon as the sun went down Jason started to feel tired, too tired in fact and he noticed with alarm that his eyes were dropping. He barely made it back to his room before falling face first onto his bed and sleep overtook him.

  A hand shook him awake and he groaned, already fearful of what he would face. Turning on to his back he saw the third muse, with her eyes of tree leaves and her hair of chestnut. He let out a sigh and the muse looked disappointed. “Am I that much of chore to look upon poet? I admit I have not the ample charms or the lithe body of my two little sisters but I am still beautiful”. Jason quickly cleared his head and replied carefully “Absolutely Calliope, but I must confess your sisters have visited me these past two nights and they have been, ahem, strenuous in their arguments for my affections”.